
Age related muscle loss—sarcopenia—can create a whole host of issues for individuals including loss of balance, mobility, strength, flexibility and in general, a less healthy lifestyle. The 9 essential amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and without those, you can’t repair and rejuvenate your muscles.
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Step One? Start now! Whether you are 31, 46 or 52, the point is to get started. Now. It doesn’t matter when you start. It only matters that you start. Why? Because good health is a daily endeavour, a moving...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we interact and how we think about our health. In addition to taking extra hand washing precautions and keeping a safe distance from others, a strong immune system can be your greatest defense against this COVID-19 virus. REJUVENATE essential amino acids boosts your immune system.
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Eat. Drink. REJUVENATE. Eat for energy before exercise. Drink for fuel during exercise. ...
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Maintain your muscles and your happiness. Get stronger and happier as you age.
It turns out, there’s more value to strength training as you get older than muscle maintenance. Strength training leads to feeling fitter, increasing muscle mass, improving mobility, greater balance and more energy – all which helps you live your best life.