What You Need to Eat (& Drink!) Before, During & After Exercise

Nutrition before and after exercise

                                 Eat.  Drink.  REJUVENATE.

Eat for energy before exercise.  

                          Drink for fuel during exercise. 

                                              REJUVENATE for muscle repair after exercise.

Eat for ENERGY Before Exercise

Eating smaller meals more frequently is a great strategy if you are a very active person. A smaller meal or snack can be eaten an hour or two before working out with positive effects on your energy levels. A heavy meal on the other hand is just that, heavy. You will feel sluggish and not energized, you may experience cramps or stomach upset as your stomach works to digest food while you are working out.  

Complex carbs, mixed with a little bit of protein, are particularly effective in providing - and maintaining - energy for exercise. Your body takes longer to digest and provides energy to keep you going longer. My favorite an hour or 2 before a long run is a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and a 1/2 a scoop of protein powder.  Complex carbs, fibre, protein, vitamins and so much energy. 

If your workout is timed for a few hours after eating a full meal, fuel your body with a mix of protein and vegetables, as well as some complex carbs. For many people, it’s a good idea to avoid any foods that can cause gastrointestinal issues, like beans or dairy, if you don’t want to end up feeling uncomfortable half way through your workout.

Drink During Exercise for Fuel

Water works! Leave those sugary "exercise" drinks behind. The only time you require additional electrolytes during a workout is if you are doing intense exercising for longer than 60 minutes and/or outside in extreme heat.  

It’s important to have access to water all day long, and especially during a workout but take small sips often throughout your exercise. Large quantities of liquids sloshing around in your stomach during your workout won’t be comfortable; you do want to be able to have small quantities, if you need it. 

Even more important, is to start hydrating approximately two hours before you start any exercise routine. If the weather is very hot or cold, dehydration can become a serious impediment. Obviously, hydrating on a hot day makes sense, but why cold? If you are exercising outdoors in the cold, your body needs to work even harder to maintain core temperatures and energy levels. 

Bottom line? If you want to perform well throughout your workout, make sure that you are adequately hydrated.  

A lot of people wonder about whether or not they should eat DURING a workout. This is a tough thing to master at the best of times and unless you are a long distance, endurance marathoner, it’s really not something you need. There is an exception to this: if you regularly experience drops in your blood sugar, it might be a good idea to have a fruit and nut bar or a handful of almonds handy. This is also true if you didn’t get in a healthy snack in the two hours prior to your workout.

REJUVENATE After Exercise for Muscle Repair

Once you’ve completed your workout, it is important to REJUVENATE and help  your muscles recover. They have been stretched and worked to their limit and now is the perfect time - within 30 minutes post exercise -  to repair and re build in preparation for the next workout.

Mix a packet of REJUVENATE in a glass of water to send our patented blend of essential amino acids straight to your muscles.  REJUVENATE - when taken daily - works to maintain lean muscle mass, even when you are not working out, but works even better if you exercise regularly.

Your muscles are also craving protein. A healthy protein smoothie is an easy way to get a boost of 20g of quality protein with added nutrients your body needs after a good calorie burning session.